Annual General Meeting

The highest decision-making body of INVISIO

The right of shareholders to decide on the affairs of INVISIO is exercised at the general meeting of shareholders, which is the company’s highest decision-making body.

The right of shareholders to decide on the affairs of INVISIO is exercised at the general meeting of shareholders, which is the company’s highest decision-making body. The Annual General Meeting must be held within six months of the close of the financial year and is usually held in April or May in Stockholm.

At the Annual General Meeting, resolutions are adopted concerning adoption of the company’s income statement and balance sheet, disposition of the company’s profit or loss, discharge of the Board members and President/CEO from liability to the company, election of members of the Board, chair of the Board and auditors, the setting of board and auditors’ fees, and other items of business that are incumbent upon the general meeting pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act, the Articles of Association or the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.

Extraordinary general meetings are held when the Board considers that grounds exist pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act. The Articles of Association do not contain any special provisions concerning amendment of the Articles by the general meeting of shareholders.

Annual General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting took place 7 of May 2024 at 4.00 p.m CEST. at IVA Konferenscenter, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm, Sweden. 

The AGM resolved to adopt all proposals submitted by the board and the nomination committee.


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