
INVISIO’s financial statements include both financial key figures that are specified in current financial reporting rules, alternative key figures (performance measures) in accordance with ESMA's definition, and other key figures related to the business. The alternative performance measures are regarded as relevant for an investor who wants to understand the company’s results and financial position better. Definitions and reconciliation of the alternative performance measures that are not directly reconcilable with the financial statements can be found below. Reconciliation is against the closest comparable IFRS financial measure.

Gross margin
Gross profit as a percentage of total income.

Operating margin
Operating profit as a percentage of total income.

Profit margin
Profit for the year as a percentage of total revenue.

Operating profit before depreciation and impairment losses.

EBIT (Operating profit)
Operating profit after depreciation and impairment losses. INVISIO defines EBIT (earnings before interest and tax) in the same way as operating profit.

Operating expenses
Selling and marketing costs, Administrative expenses and Development costs.

Net financial items
Financial income less financial expenses.

Equity/assets ratio
Equity divided by total assets (balance sheet total).

Number of shares
Number of outstanding shares at the close of the period.

Number of shares after dilution
Number of outstanding shares at the close of the period plus the number of shares that would be added if all potential dilutive shares were converted to shares. Only the option programs whose issue price is less than the average market price of the shares during the period can lead to a dilutive effect.

Average number of outstanding shares
Weighted average of the number of outstanding shares during the period.

Average number of outstanding shares after dilution
Weighted average of the number of outstanding shares during the period plus a weighted number of shares that would be added if all dilutive potential shares were converted. Only the option programs whose issue price is less than the average market price of the shares during the period can lead to a dilutive effect.

Earnings per share
Profit for the year divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

Earnings per share after dilution
Profit for the year divided by the average number of outstanding shares after dilution.

Equity per share
Equity divided by the number of outstanding shares adjusted for non-registered issues.

Equity per share after dilution
Equity divided by the number of outstanding shares after dilution.

Number of employees at the close of the period
Number of employees on the date of salary payment in the last month of the period.

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