
Cybersecurity Committee

In 2022 the Board decided to set up a committee for cybersecurity, consisting of Charlott Samuelsson (Committee Chair), Annika Andersson and Ulrika Hagdahl. The duties and responsibility of the Committee include:

  • monitoring the company’s IT security work and
  • monitoring the efficiency of the company’s security work and IT risk management.

In addition, the Committee is to work to make cybersecurity risks a part of strategic decisions and a priority in business operations, as well as contributing to increased understanding of related issues in the company’s Board.

The Cybersecurity Committee consists of a maximum of three Board members who appoint a Chair. The Committee is to meet as necessary, but no less than three times per calendar year.

During the period three meetings were held and were all minuted.

Audit Committee

The Board as a whole fulfills the duties of the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee is responsible for ensuring the quality of the Company’s financial and business reporting. The Committee evaluates INVISIO’s internal control processes and management of financial and operating risks.

The Committee is also responsible for the Board's regular communication with the Company's auditors, reviews the work of the external auditors, establishes guidelines for purchasing services other than auditing from the company’s auditors, and assist the Nomination Committee when preparing a proposal regarding the election of auditors and compensation for audit work.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee prepares matters for board decisions on issues related to compensation principles, compensation and other terms of employment for company management, and following and evaluating programs, both current and those completed during the year, for variable remuneration for company management, as well as following and evaluating the application of the guidelines for remuneration of senior executives, which by law must be determined by the Annual General Meeting, as well as current compensation structures and compensation levels in the company.
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