INVISIO creates a unique value for individuals and society by enabling communication in critical and noisy situations, which makes the user’s work environment safer and improves efficiency.

By protecting the hearing of users INVISIO prevents permanent hearing loss and related problems, which spares the individual great suffering and society high rehabilitation and compensation costs.

INVISIO’s market is characterized by large procurements at irregular intervals. Both order intake and sales can fluctuate substantially between quarters and the company’s development should therefore be evaluated in a longer time perspective than individual quarters.

In order to tackle the uneven order intake, INVISIO works closely with customers, which enables us to start production some time before the actual order is received. As a result, we can offer speedy delivery, which is highly appreciated among customers and constitutes a competitive advantage.

A clear trend, however, is that the company receives an increased share of medium-sized orders - a direct consequence of the broader product portfolio and an increasingly large customer base. In addition to increased sales, it also contributes to greater stability in order intake, which is positive.

The past three years’ sales figures show that Q1 historically tends to be slightly weaker than the other quarters. Q2 and Q3 are slightly stronger and the strongest period of the year is Q4.

2022 meant something of a commercial breakthrough for our Intercom system. Interest continued to be great during the year and at the beginning of 2023 the largest order to date for the system has been received. The order value is about SEK 40 million and the customer is the same European NATO country that placed two large announced orders in 2022.

In all, the value of the three orders is almost SEK 70 million. We expect the customer to place more orders this year.

The orders are clear confirmation that the solution meets the highest requirements of a NATO country for a modern communication system. The large number of systems ordered also sends a strong signal that facilitates discussions with other potential customers.

We are convinced that the Intercom system in the long term will develop into a broader product portfolio and make a substantial contribution to the company’s continued growth.

INVISIO has five strategies for continued growth with good profitability:

Increase market share in existing markets: Apart from winning new procurement contracts, the company aims to increase its sales in the context of agreements already signed.

Broaden the product portfolio through innovation: Continually broaden the portfolio of user-friendly, flexible and cost-effective products.

Address new user groups: Increase the number of user groups with a similar need to communicate in noisy and challenging environments.

Expand to new geographies: Asia, the Middle East and South America will play a growing role for INVISIO.

Sustainable and cost-effective operations: Focusing on costs and sustainability internally and for manufacture of the company’s products.

The main drivers for the gross margin are the proportion of direct sales versus via distribution partners and the product mix during the reporting period. Third party products tend to have a negative effect on the gross margin. 

The gross margin level has increased over the last years as a consequence of setting up our own sales organizations in the USA, France and Italy as well as  higher volumes.

INVISIO tackles the volatility in the order intake by working closely with the customer and by contracting out manufacturing. A close relationship with customers gives INVISIO an insight into when a new order is likely to arrive, enabling an early start to production.

Selected European producers are responsible for manufacture of the products on a contract basis. 

Contracting out manufacturing gives INVISIO scalability and the ability to manage large variations in order volumes. Increased production volumes are not a challenge in the foreseeable future.

In 2018 we changed our policy for inventory levels. In order to gain a competitive advantage by offering our customers speedy delivery we increased the size of the inventory.

The inventory is composed only of standard products and extremely few products are scrapped.

Demand for INVISIO’s products is driven by several interacting factors. In 2022 the new and more uncertain geopolitical situation, mainly in Europe, meant increased demand.

In addition, structurally driven growth due to ongoing long-term modernization programs contribute to a widening use of communication equipment, as well as greater awareness regarding hearing loss and its effects on individuals and society.

The personal system:
Apart from INVISIO there is a handful of other suppliers on the market, such as manufacturers of helmets offering an integrated communication solution and hearing protection in the form of muffs.

The Intercom system:
The competition for the Intercom system is limited in an initial phase of market penetration, as focus lies on offering the portable system to existing customers and there is no similar offer at present. 

At a later stage, when INVISIO addresses vehicle manufacturers and companies that equip military vehicles, competition is expected to increase, because similar solutions exist today. However, they are less flexible and more expensive than INVISIO’s system.

The policies in this area are presented to all new employees as part of their introduction program.

Among our suppliers we ensure formally documented distribution of the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Among our partners we uphold the INVISIO Code of Conduct through their acceptance of it and through facility visits at selected critical suppliers.

INVISIO offers a safer work environment and hearing protection for user groups in situation critical environments, such as police officers and soldiers. Our products are not classified as war material, they are classified as a personal safety product.

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